Funds in your account are essential to running your programs. If you have low funds some of your participants may face their smart cards being declined.
It's always recommended you add extra funds as well to ensure a successful program.
To explain:
We allow participants to link a personal payment method to their Hoppier card, so that they can spend over their balance if they choose! The overages to their personal payment method is capped at $50.00.
These charges will temporarily come out of your Funds, then once the payment processes from their personal bank account, it returns to the total balance you have available. This usually completes within a few hours, to a day or two.
Keeping this in mind, we advise you add a surplus of funds to the account, around 20% of your total needed funds, to ensure that the participants will have enough available to link a personal payment method to their accounts. Of course, these additional fees can be withdrawn once your program is complete, or used toward future events, and this is entirely optional, but a best practice nonetheless.
Table of Contents:
Add funds to your Account
Select the Company settings tab
Click the Add funds button
If you want to get an estimate of the funds you will need, select the Funds estimator tab.
Note: It's recommended to overfund your account because participants can add their own payment method to spend more. The extra spending will be initially withdrawn from your funds but will be added within a business day.
βEnter the amount you want to add to the funds in your account.
Select a payment method. See below for payment processing lead times.
Click the Continue button
Credit Card Payment - 1 Business Day
If you chose Credit Card, enter your card details and finish the payment process. Credit card payments take one business day to process.
ACH Payment - 5-7 Business Days
If you selected ACH payment you can complete the payment and add your transfer detail or chose to pay later. ACH payments take 5-7 business days to process. Please email if you need our W-8 / W-9 form, or need a vendor form completed for your finance team.
If you chose to pay later you can find the invoice under Company settings -> Billing & finances.