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PrintOS Jobs

Provided by: Productivity Power Pack Understand your HP Indigo jobs production trends and costs, using your own systems

Oshra Somer avatar
Written by Oshra Somer
Updated over a year ago

PrintOS Print Beat API is an application which enables you to stream press and jobs data into your own systems (e.g. MIS or ERP). The Jobs data includes past jobs costing data - such as number of impressions, amount of substrate or actual printing time. This data may also include Near Real Time data, such as the number of jobs in your queue or print time estimation of your jobs that are now on the way to production.

While this information is available today in PrintOS Jobs report, you may want to get this information via an API, and stream it to your own internal system. The reason for that, is that when this data is available in the internal system, you can compare the results vs. the plans. 

For example, you may compare the jobs costs in reality vs. the job quote, or the production plan vs. the production in reality. This enables you to better control your production and costing and improve on your profitability.

Please note that Print Beat API team publishes comprehensive and straightforward documentation which you may find here. With that said, any API integration requires software development knowledge. It also requires some prerequisites in terms of HP devices and your MIS/ERP capabilities. Make sure that the right person in your organization (e.g. your IT manager) takes a look at that as you move forward with using the Print Beat API.

Interested in learning more about PrintOS Print Beat API?
Drop me a note at

Oshra Somer,
PrintOS Productivity Power Pack Product Manager.

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