File format
Support file types: .csv, .tsv, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .txt
Any set of columns as long as it is 1 record per row
13 months of reconciled transactions
View a sample CSV
Required fields
Contact name
Optional fields
How to manually upload transactions
Step 1: Click upload transactions
Step 2: Upload or manually enter your transactions
We suggest you export the last 13 months of reconciled transactions. This helps Hudled carry out the most accurate information.
Step 3: Select a header row
Hudled will ask you to confirm if you have named your columns.
Step 4: Match your data fields to ours
You will be prompted to map or ignore every field in your file to one of ours.
If a field is automatically mapped correctly, click "confirm mapping".
If a field is not automatically mapped but it is one of our fields. Click the field dropdown and select the matching field.
Then click confirm mapping once you are happy this is correct.
If your file contains additional fields that are not required in Hudled. Please click "ignore this column" to skip adding this data.
Once you have completed the steps above for all of the fields in your data, you should have a page which looks like the example below. Note all the fields are either "confirmed mapping" or "ignored". Click the "review" button to proceed.
Step 5: Repair any data issues
If there are any data integrity issues, you will be prompted to fix them on this page. You can review or make any edits here, and once you are happy click "continue".
Step 6: Submit
Click "yes" once everything is complete to submit your data. You will be taken back to the initial upload transactions screen and can continue using Hudled whilst we take care of uploading your data and mapping it to your software spend.
If you require further assistance please contact us via the chat found in the bottom right of your screen.