Viewing Time away entries
To view Time away entries click on the Time away table in the Tables dashboard and select the Time away entries view.
To help sort and filter your view, Employment and Basics info is available in read only format in the Time away entries tab.
The Time away entries data points are all that can be edited. You can select what columns are visible in the Columns panel in the top right.
By default, all time away entries for active and offboarded employees will be shown. Sorts and Filters can be applied to build more focused views, for example Filtering for a single Department and Sorting for a particular leave type.
Sorting by date range
The sort function can be used to filter time away entries by a particular date range. to create this view select Filter and Start date. A date picker will appear where you can select from preset ranges or choose a specific date range.
You can then view all entries in this date range and refine further, to look for specific booking Types, by Department, individual users etc.
Managing and editing Time away entries
Time away entries can be directly edited and update form the Tables tab.
Update leave Type
Change Start and End Dates
Change Start or End Period (Full day, Morning, Afternoon)
Update Review Status
Bulk updating Time away entries
You can bulk update existing time away entries via a CSV import.
For example, a booked company day has been rescheduled, A time away type is being updated to a new type etc.
You can use our Time away entries - template as a layout for bulk updates! Notes in the template explain mandatory fields and formatting.
Bulk importing new Time away entries
Using Tables you can bulk book time away entries for your company. This can be used for transferring data from another system or for bulk booking days for employees, holiday closures, company offsites etc.
You can use our Time away entries - template as a layout for bulk uploads!
Mandatory fields are:
Person - this field should contain the employee's work email
Type - this must be an existing bookable leave type on the employee's policy
Start date - must be after employment start
End date - must be before employment end
If not specified Start and End period will default to Full day
If not specified Status will default to Approved
When imported you will be prompted to review updated fields with changes and any potential issues highlighted. Once any issues are resolved you can commit this upload by clicking Apply changes.
Saving a Time away entries view
You can build a Time away entries table view and save either as a view in the default Time away Table or in a custom Table.
To save a view under the Time away Table click the arrow by Time away entries and select Create view. Choose the Time away entries data set and click Confirm and create view.
To create a new Table click Create new table in the bottom left of the Tables tab. Select Time away entries as your data set and name your table before confirming and creating the table.