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Time away types

How to create booking types in Humaans

Updated over 3 months ago

In this guide, we'll discuss booking types, the available settings and how to create/edit them.

Booking types

To view your time away types, follow these steps:

  • In the Home menu, click Settings, then click Time away.

  • Select Types. Here you can create, configure and delete all available types of bookings your employees can take.

There are two categories of booking types in Humaans:

Time off

Bookings with details hidden from ordinary users and should be used for time off from working. These Types will appear as Away in the Who's away screen and integrations.


Bookings where details are visible to all users and used to categorise when an employee is working in a setting outside their ordinary location or schedule. these Types will appear with full details in Who's away and integrations

In the Type section, you can see all created types by category, their default allowance settings and a summary of the number of policies they are active in. By hovering over the policies, you can see a breakdown of all policies it is active in.

Creating new types

To create a new booking type, follow these steps:

  • In the Home menu, click Settings, then click Time away.

  • Click Types, then click Create Type.

  • Write out a name and category for your booking type.

  • You can set the type to be a standard in all new policies you build by checking Include in new policies by default.

  • You can add the type to all policies that you've already created by checking Add to existing policies.

  • Decide which the default rules that will be applied when the type is added to a policy.
    - When set to No limit, users will be able to book an unlimited number of these days.
    - When set to Limited allocations, a limited balance of these days will be available for users to book. When activated, you can set an available balance, carryover, year start and usage rules for this type

  • When you're ready, click Save to confirm your changes.

Your new booking type will be visible in the Types page, with its default allowances and any polices it is active in visible. It will be available to use in all your policies, and can be further customised within each policy.

Editing existing types

To edit the default settings for any existing types, follow these steps:

  • In the Home menu, click Settings, then click Time away.

  • Click Types, find the desired type you'd like to change, then click Edit.

Please note: Updating default settings of a type will not apply the changes to the existing versions that have already been applied to policies. You will need to edit the Policy type within the policy directly.

Deleting unused types

To delete an unused type, follow the steps below:

  • In the Home menu, click Settings, then click Time away.

  • Click Types, find the desired type you'd like to change, then click Edit.

  • At the bottom of the configuration, click Delete, and confirm the change.

You can only delete booking types if they have not been booked by employees. If a Type has been used in the past it cannot be erased to prevent interfering with Time away histories.

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