Time off in Denmark is complicated! We've tried to make it simpler. In this guide, you'll learn how you can configure paid leave to follow our Danish preset rules, which automates accrual and usage to fit Danish statutory leave laws.
Enabling the Danish Preset
In the Home menu, click Settings, then click Time away.
Under Policies, either create a new policy, or edit an existing policy. For more, see this guide.
What does the Preset do?
The preset does the following when enabled:
Sets the leave year start to September 1st.
Locks in a 25 day paid leave annual allocation.
Sets the carryover to 0.
Sets the usage period at 16 months, which menas that all days that were accrued for the 12 months (eg. September 1st 2022 - October 31st 2023) can be used until Dec 31 of the following year.
Sets usage to taking accrued only. This means that employees will only be shown how many days they have accrued so far when booking.
You can decide what balance will be visible to your employees. For more, see our guide.
How does it look to users?
When the Danish preset is in place Available balances will be displayed to 2 decimal places.
At the end of each calendar month the available balance will increase. If an employee started their job mid month it will prorate that first month's leave. For each month after 2.08 days of paid leave will be added.
What about Feriefridage?
You can add Feriefridage to your time off policy as a custom leave type. The balance will be visible in Breakdown of days taken and when booking show the running total. to learn more about adding custom time away types, see this guide.