Automatically provision Jumpcloud accounts for employees from Humaans.
What you'll need:
Humaans Enterprise package
Have owner permissions within Humaans
Have Global Administrators role access
Permission to manage users in your Jumpcloud account.
The user connecting the integration should have Administrator access on Jumpcloud's end, and Owner access on Humaans.
Enabling Jumpcloud provisioning
You can enable the Jumpcloud provisioning integration with the following steps:
In the Home menu, click Integrations.
Select Jumpcloud, then click Configure.
Under Connection, you will be asked to add an API key. You can create an API key from your Jumpcloud account. See Jumpcloud's guide for more details.
Once created, you can add the key to the field provided in Connection.
Provisioning and deprovisioning Jumpcloud accounts
Once connected, you can decide how to provision and deprovision Jumpcloud accounts.
You can configure account provisioning and activation triggers:
Immediately (as soon as the account is created as an active member).
On the Employment start date
Never (manual activation)
If accounts are set to activate Immediately (upon provisioning) or on the employment start date, you'll also have the option to send an invite email to the user.
Invite emails will go to personal emails by default. If they fail to send to the personal email, they will send to the work email as a fallback.
Similarly, you can set up automatic deprovisioning for users who are deleted or offboarded, disabling their accounts accordingly.
Jumpcloud controls the password functionality of the accounts that are provisioned, not Humaans.
Data Mapping Humaans data to Jumpcloud
You can select which fields to sync from Humaans to Jumpcloud accounts. Default fields include:
First name
Last name
Work email
Personal email
Job title
Employee ID
Phone number
Personal phone number
Full address
Source fields in Humaans can be mapped to custom destination fields, which appear in the Custom Attributes section for each user in JumpCloud. These custom destination fields must be alphanumeric (eg. testFie1d).
For example, the profile photo of Humaans users can now be mapped (as a URL) to a custom JumpCloud field.
Keeping Data in Sync
Under Configuration, you can decide how any changes made in Humaans are reflected in Jumpcloud profiles.