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1. Understanding Percentage Changes in Widgets
Some widgets on your dashboard display a percentage increase or decrease.
The percentage is relative to the date range selected during the widget configuration.
This percentage reflects how your data has changed since the previous period.
2. When the Previous Value is 0
If the current value is greater than 0 and the previous value was 0, the percentage increase is calculated as:
current value × 100
The widget displays 50 Facebook Ad Clicks over the past 7 days.
The same ad received 0 clicks in the previous 7 days.
The percentage increase will be 5000%.
3. When Both Values Are Greater Than 0
If both the current and previous values are greater than 0, the percentage change is calculated as:
(Increase ÷ Original Number) × 100
Widget displays 60 Facebook Ad Clicks in the current week.
Previous week had 50 clicks.
The percentage increase will be 20%.
4. Need Further Assistance?
If you have any questions about the percentages displayed in your widgets, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team.
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