On occasion, you may see an item in your vulnerabilities or even dashboard that isn't you. Sometimes, it may be an imposter, in which case please notify us by clicking the Hush button to resolve. Other times, it might be a case of mistaken identity. In this case, you can tell Hush and our AI that it isn't you, and that selection will help us reduce any such false positives moving forward. Please note, identify resolution isn't perfect (but we are constantly improving) and we err on the side of including a potential false positive to give you the widest view of how others who are searching for you might see related information. To tell us at Hush that an item isn't you, please click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the vulnerability tile, as shown in the image below, and click "This is not me". From there, you're see another confirmation screen, shown below. Once you click "This is Not Me", the item will go away and not be shown in your profile.