Disable an ad

How to disable an ad on Hygglo

Renate avatar
Written by Renate
Updated over a week ago

On the website on desktop & mobile

Go to your ads and click on the ad you want to disable. Scroll down until you see this switch:

Click on the switch to disable the ad. You will then get a pop-up asking if you are sure you want to disable the ad. If you select yes, the ad will be disabled. This means that it will no longer appear on Hygglo and people can thus not send new rental requests for that particular ad.

In the app

In the app navigate to your profile where you then go to the list of ads (called listings). Go to the ad you want to disable. The switch can be found just below the pictures. Tap it to disable the ad.

Remember! Disabling ads will not affect existing bookings that were set up before the deactivation occurred.

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