The Strategy call outcomes pane inside the Analytics visualizes the distribution of Sale and No Sale results, as well as outcomes that are pending to be added, helping you to understand the effectiveness and success of your sales team at the same time.
With these insights will help you refine the approach, optimize conversion strategies, and ensure you're making the most out of each and every Strategy call.
Learn more about the importance of Strategy call outcomes here.
Before we dive into details about this widget, quick reminder about the top page filters that will affect the data you'll be able to see inside of the pane:
Date range filters on top of your dashboard and
to select data source from
Global Data (all events) or from a specific Event
Strategy call outcomes stats
The bars graph in this section will provide you visual breakdown between Sale, No Sale and pending outcomes, presenting it in different color, since all three may appear inside the same bar. Here's the breakdown:
"Sale" outcomes in dark blue
"No Sale" outcomes in red
Pending outcomes, waiting for your Closers to add in
AI Scheduler → Scheduled Calls → Past calls will be shown in light blue
Additionally, you will be able to select for which timeframe you'd like bars to show (day, week, month, quarter or year), which will help you to understand the patterns better.
Pro tips
The "Day" option will be removed when date range filter is set for more than 3 months, to avoid bars being cluttered.
This ensures a clearer, and more readable display for extended date ranges.
You will be able to hover over each section inside the bar and see following:
Dot in color according to the outcome status and the outcome status
Total number of outcomes according to the bar-part you're hovering over
Date or date range for the stats in the bar section you're hovering over
Percentage showing increase or decrease in total number of outcomes
compared to previous period that is defined according to the range selected from inside the pane (day, week, month, quarter or year)
increase will show in green, decrease in red
Quick access to filtered lead list
Sections inside of the bars are interactive, meaning that if you click on any of the sections, you will quickly access filtered lead list without leaving the Analytics page and doing the filtering yourself in the
Global Data menu.
On top of that, you will be able to access additional options inside of this preview screen:
Adjusting columns inside the mini-Global Data window
Exporting the file according to the view set
Quick access to the Global Data → Calls section menu
Totals for the selected date range
This widget comes with additional horizontal bar at the bottom, with totals shown, according to the main page filters (date range and data source):
Total calls scheduled - according to the date range and data source selected
Number of "Sale" outcomes - out of total scheduled calls
Number of "No Sale" outcomes - out of total scheduled calls
Number of pending outcomes - out of total scheduled calls