The Daily occupancy widget is the only section inside the iClosed Analytics dashboard that will not be affected with the top page date range filters, simply because it's built to look into the future.
As such, it comes with it's own day range filters inside the pane, that will show you occupancy for the next 3, 7 or 30 days (month).
This widget provides you with at-a-glance overview of your team's daily availability, based on their schedules set and slots booked and will help you to recognize high-demand days as well as underutilized time slots during the day.
The Daily occupancy pane is available with Business and Enterprise subscription plans (learn more about iClosed pricing and feature breakdown here).
Leveraging Daily occupancy widget
Understanding these stats is essential for maintaining an efficient, productive, and balanced team operation.
As explained above, this widget is unique compared to other iClosed Analytics sections on the dashboard, since it will not be affected by the date range filter from the top bar, since it's built to look into booked slots in the future.
On the left side of the widget, you will see the calendar, according to the right side day filter selected, with the dot inside the specific date marking "current date".
Calendar date quadrants will appear in different shades of blue, depending of the group of stats shown in the middle of the pane.
Grouped stats ranges
We've broken down stats into five grouped ranges between stats, that appear in different shades of blue, which will help with visual understanding of the occupancy.
Here's the breakdown, sorted from the top to bottom:
96% and higher → colored as dark blue, with highest density
61% to 95% → less dense shade of blue
31% to 60% → will show as balanced blue on the calendar
0% to 30% → represented in light blue
0% → light grey will represent:
either dates unavailable to be selected
(dates in the past or outside of the number of upcoming days filter selected)
or that there is no availability at all for the selected event/s.
(e.g. Hosts selected haven't accepted invite or didn't set availability yet)
The color shades will also show on calculated total occupancy on the right, depending of the percentage group the number falls into.
Totals on the right side
As everything else inside of this widget, the totals shown on the right of the pane are also dynamic, and will calculate total capacity taken already according to the data source filter selected on the top and team members selected (mange team members button - explained below) and day range selected from inside the widget.
Outside of the circle on top - number of upcoming days selected in the top filter
Circle - will be colored in shade of blue according percentage group in the middle
Inside of the circle - you'll see percentage of capacity occupied
Occupancy for a specific team member
iClosed provides you with the ability to select the occupancy for a specific team member, depending of the data source filter (Global Data - all events or for a specific Event).
If you've selected a specific event/s from the data source filter on the top of the page, the Manage team members feature will show you only hosts that are assigned to the selected event. You will be able to see:
Hosts name
Hosts user role
and the dot in
green - user had at least one call in the last 7 days
red - user didn't have any calls scheduled in the last 7 days
Check it out in action:
Pro tips
If you're analyzing Daily occupancy with data source filter Global Data (meaning all account data) it's advisable to remove super admins (account owners) and sales managers, who are not actually attending the calls, to get accurate stats.
All you need to do is to uncheck the box next to the name.
Occupancy on a specific date
By clicking on a specific date you will be able to see detailed occupancy for a specific date and detailed capacity taken for each team member (all this of course, per source event/s selected from the main Analytics filter).
Additionally, you will be able to switch between dates, depending of the number of days selected in the day filter inside the occupancy pane (three days, seven days, or a month).