Here's the quick guide on how to update email address for logging into your iClosed account.
Step-by-step guide
Navigate to Settings menu and click on the "Edit" button
Before editing email address, make sure all the boxes are filled out
First name
Last name
Phone number
Click in the Email Address box, update email and hit on the "Save Changes" button once you're done to apply changes
New window will appear for you to confirm the update. Select:
Once you've confirmed the update, the grey banner will appear with the confirmation that the verification email has been sent out. Additional actions you can take are:
In case all is good, proceed to your inbox to Verify Email Address from the email we've sent to your newly added email
Click on the "Verify Email Address" button and the confirmation screen will open notifying you about the update status
"Email verified successfully" or
"Unfortunately, we are unable to update email to <email> at the moment. Please contact support for further assistance"
If the change was successful, click on the "Log in" button from this screen to open login page
Enter new email and use the same password you've set already with previous email
Reasons for unsuccessful email change
You have been invited to other account and your invite is pending
"You have pending onboarding in the organization <organization_name>.
Please complete the onboarding process before updating your email."
In order to change email, please log out of the current account, finish the invite process in the account where you've been invited as a user.
Once the process is finished, you will be able to change email in other account (organization).
Account owner email is already taken
"Unfortunately, we are unable to update email to <email> at the moment.
Please contact support for further assistance"
This banner will appear at the top of your settings menu after you've clicked on the "Save Changes" button.
It means that the email is already occupied as account owner for other active iClosed account (organization) and available options for resolving are:
Reaching out to our Customer Support team to delete other account for you if account is in free trial status.
Cancelling one of the two accounts and waiting for the cancellation to be processed at the end of the billing cycle for the cancelled account,
Not changing the account email, or choosing other email that is not already occupied as account owner in iClosed.
Any other reason for not being able to change email address
In case you're experiencing any other problem apart from the two scenarios above, please reach out to our Customer Support team via chat button at the bottom right of your screen, and we'll investigate it.