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Event Time and Limits

Learn everything you need to know about setting up Event Time and Limits for your event

Updated over 4 months ago

Event Time and Limits is where you are able set the duration of your event and how the available slots will show on the scheduler.

It is super important to understand each step of these settings because it will affect your available slots on the scheduler.

To access Event time & Limits for your event, go to AI Scheduler > Events and click on any of the already created events or click on Create New Event, to be redirected to Event creation/editor page.

Kindly note that if you're creating a new event, you will need to complete first two mandatory steps, Event Details and set Hosts, to be able to access Event time and limits.

See below detailed breakdown of every option of this feature

1. Date Range

Refers to the date range within which invitees can schedule a call. You either:

  • add number of upcoming days that your leads will be able to book a call within from the time they visit the scheduler or

  • you can select option "indefinitely into the future" which allows leads to schedule a call at any date in the future


if today is 1st of October and you set the date range of 14 calendar days, invitees will be shown availabilities untill 14th of October.

Note: Saturday and Sunday are also counted in the calendar days. There fore, in case your availability allows leads to schedule calls on weekends as well, slots will be shown.

2. Event Duration

This is the duration of the call that is booked in your scheduler.

  • The minimum duration of the event can be 15 mins

  • You can choose to set duration either in minutes or hours

  • A time on your availability will be marked as busy according to the duration of your event

3. Start Time Increments

These are intervals your scheduling page will use to display available slots start times.

For example, if you have set the start increment of 15 mins, the time slots will show slots available on every 15 mins in your scheduler.

Important notes

Kindly note that Start time increments combined with Event duration, explained above, can affect the number of available slots for your leads to take.

For example, if you have set:

  • Event duration to be 45 minutes

  • Start time increment of 30 mins

  • Host availability is 8am to 4pm for the selected day

Lead will see slots available on every 30 minutes.

If a lead schedules a call, at 8:30am, scheduler will show first next slot available at 9:30 am (since the call duration is 45 minutes, and time increment is set to show slots on every 30 minutes). At the end of the day, you may lose 50% of the call potential.

Best practice is to set time increments to show on every 15 minutes, if the call duration is less than 1 hour.

4. Time format

Simply select how times should appear on the booking page, and choose between
12h and 24h time format.

5. Buffer before and/or after an event

Buffers are great for ensuring that your hosts do not have a back-to-back meetings.

We've made it available for you add break buffer before and/or after an event.

Important notes

Please note that added buffers will affect availability of the slots in your scheduler. Especially in combination with Event duration and Start time increments.

For example, if you've set Event duration to 45 minutes and included buffers before = 5 minutes, after = 15 minutes, this would mean that with every slot booked, your host will be considered as busy for 50 minutes in total.

Here's how maximize number of slots in your scheduler in case you'd like to include buffers before and after the meeting:

  1. Event duration is the starting point and additional setup must be set accordingly

    1. for example purposes, we'll set event duration to 45 minutes

  2. Start time increments as advised above, should be 15 minutes

  3. Buffer before the event should be 5 minutes

  4. Buffer after the event should be 5 minutes

Available slots for one host will appear on every 15 minutes, and take up to 55 minutes from every call booked (e.g. call scheduled at 8:30 am, first next slot available is at 9:30).

In case you need more time before or/and after a call, try to reduce event duration to maximize number of potential slots available. In case that's not possible, set up times as per your needs, because in the end, quality is always more important than quantity.

Learn more

In case you have set everything up and you'd like to see availability for all hosts and number of available slots for the day, utilize iClosed live event troubleshooter
(learn more here).

6. Set limitations for the event

"Guest cannot schedule within" helps you avoid getting last minute new calls.


If you don't want to get new calls 24 hours before the current date, you can set the limit of 24 hour(s) or 1 day.
Example in the image below shows booking page visited on Oct 1st, with guests can't schedule within 24 hours.

7. Allowing Closers to Reschedule Event

The last option available in the Event Time & Limits setup is whether you'd like to allow hosts to be able to reschedule a call or not.
Simply turn off the toggle if you don't want to allow rescheduling.

If you have allowed rescheduling, host will be able to reschedule from:

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