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Investor Portal
Investor Portal for Funds
Investor Portal for Funds
Updated over a week ago


The Investor Portal is your centralized platform for document management. You can effortlessly upload, organize, and share critical fund documents, all while maintaining precise control of allocator access and visibility. It also streamlines your communication with allocators: choose to send them a notification when you add new documents, eliminating the hassle of email distribution lists and cluttered folders.

Start by activating your account

Since these aren’t public facing documents, we’ve added an extra layer of security. You'll be asked to create a specific password to access the Investor Portal.

Set up your funds

Managing multiple funds? With the Investor Portal, simply choose which ones to add during your initial registration. You'll see a list of all your iConnections-linked funds, but you can also add new fund that you may not be actively marketing at a conference.

Set your primary contact

When you add a fund, we ask you to specify a designated point of contact for document-related inquiries. This contact will be visible to allocators on your Investor Portal profile, and they will be the contact who will receive all access request notifications. Note: It's possible to assign multiple contacts and edit them at any time.

Upload your documents

Uploading documents to the Investor Portal is a straightforward process. First, choose the fund you're working on and navigate to 'Documents.' Then, simply upload your document and fill in key details.

Pay particular attention to the Document Visibility field. Here, you'll decide whether the document is public or private:

  • Select “Visible only to members I authorize” for private documents. These will be visible only in the Investor Portal to Allocators you've specifically invited.

  • Choose “Visible to all platform members” for non-sensitive documents accessible to all Allocators who are members of the iConnections platform. These will also appear on your fund's profile for events and year-round platform visbility.

Invite allocators

After uploading your documents, start inviting allocators to access your portal. On the Documents page, select the documents you wish to share, or use the 'Manage Access' option to start the invitation process.

In the Manage Access screen:

  • Click the “Invite” button.

  • Choose the documents you want to share.

  • Search for and select the company you're sharing with.

  • Then, decide which individuals within that company should have access.

Everyone you’ve shared documents with will be notified, granting them swift access to the portal. You can always modify an allocator's document visibility, granting or revoking access as needed.

Access requests from allocators

Allocators can also request access to your Investor Portal. These will appear in the Requests for Access section on your fund's Manage Access page. There, you have the option to accept or decline the request. Rest assured, we only notify allocators if you approve their request (your declines are not communicated to them).

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