Notice: All claims and returns from purchases made within these stores and all other stores selling ILSE JACOBSEN HORNBÆK products must be handled directly with the store where your purchased your products.
Franchise stores of ILSE JACOBSEN HORNBÆK:
These stores are not directly affiliated with the Company of ILSE JACOBSEN HORNBÆK. They serve the right to operate under our brand and concept, but all returns and claims must be handled directly with these stores.
Denmark - Helsingør Outlet
Stengade 42
3000 Helsingør
Sweden - Malmö
Propellergatan 9, Bo01
211 16 Malmö
Iceland - Reykjavik
Laugavegur 33
101 Reykjavik
Iceland - Gardabær
Gardatorg 3
IS-210 Gardabær