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How to Unsubscribe or Cancel My Account?
How to Unsubscribe or Cancel My Account?

How to downgrade from premium to free

Peter Virly avatar
Written by Peter Virly
Updated over a week ago

For your safety and security, our support team is not authorized to unsubscribe or cancel your account.

Unsubscribing from premium (Paypal)

To stop your premium subscription, login to Imonggo, go to Settings -> Manage Account/Branches and click unsubscribe under the branch name. It will direct you to your Paypal account to unsubscribe.

Unsubscribing from premium (credit card)

To stop your premium subscription, login to Imonggo, go to Settings -> Manage Account/Branches and click the Update button under the branch name. Then you will see another page where you can remove your credit card info.

Deleting subscription in Paypal

Please be sure to delete the subscription from Paypal to stop future payments. To change or cancel your agreement with, log in to your PayPal account, go to your Profile, and click My money. Update your agreement in the "My preapproved payments" section.

If you were not able to cancel your subscriptions in Paypal, you may be charged again and will not eligible for a refund.
 Please note that the only way to pay for a premium subscription is through Paypal. We do not yet accept payments directly from credit card. If you cannot find your Paypal account, please notify us about it.

Deleting your account

If you want to delete your account, please know that you need to unsubscribe all branches before you can do so. After unsubscribing all branches, please go to the same Manage Account/Branches page and click Terminate. This action is not reversible, and you cannot recover any lost data.

Preserving your data

Unsubscription or deletion of your account may lead to losing access to your data. If you want your data intact, you may choose to maintain a free account. Please remember that if you go back to a free subscription, you can only gain access to one branch's data. You can choose to back-up all your data before doing any of the above steps by downloading them (download is for premium users only).

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