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Understanding the Project Dashboard

Understand how to navigate the Project Dashboard and the widgets contained within

Written by Sean Kenealy
Updated over a week ago

This guide will provide an in-depth walkthrough of the project dashboard, a widget-based, comprehensive control center for managing all aspects of your project. This interactive dashboard provides all users the ability to see a high-level view of your Project health, progress, and action items. Feel free to click on a widget and dive right into a feature!

Accessing the Project Dashboard

  • To access the Project Dashboard, you must have access to the project

  • Start by logging into your INGENIOUS.BUILD account

  • Access a project either from the Main Dashboard β†’ Recent Projects or the Project List view accessed through the Left Hand Navigation

Navigating the Project Dashboard

The project dashboard contains information and widgets specific to your workspace type. Next to each widget listed below, the workspaces this widget is present in will be listed in parentheses. Lets begin exploring each widget:

  1. Project Information Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Access key project details at a glance. It displays essential information like client name, project ID, and address, alongside an interactive map for location insights. A simple click directs users to Project Settings for any updates or modifications needed.

  2. Project Health Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Quickly assess your project's status. It allows manual updates (Great, Good, Poor) and uses visual indicators (red/yellow/green) to provide an instant insight into the project's overall health.

  3. Schedule Health Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Stay on top of your project timelines. Manually update the schedule status (Ahead, On, Behind) and use clear visual indicators (red/yellow/green) for a quick view of your project's scheduling health.

  4. Risk Issues Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Monitor potential project risks with the Risk Issues Widget, which lists the number of open risk issues accessible to you. It includes a shortcut to the task module, filtered by risk issues, and visual indicators that correlate with the number of open risks, ensuring immediate awareness and easier risk management.

  5. Items Pending Approval Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Efficiently manage your approvals. It displays the count of items awaiting your action and provides direct navigation to the approvals module for quick decision-making.

  6. Bid Packages Widget (Own, Rep, GC):

    • Keep track of your bid packages effortlessly. It showcases each package's current status (draft, pending, awarded) and offers a quick link to the bid package module, filtered by specific statuses for streamlined management.

  7. Contracts Widget (Own, Rep, GC):

    • Easily monitor contract progress. It displays the status of active contracts (draft, pending, fully executed) and includes a quick link to the contracts module, filtered by specific statuses for efficient oversight and action.

  8. Budget Health and Summary Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Gain financial oversight with the Budget Health and Summary Widget. It presents high-level budget information, highlights budget variances for early identification of potential financial issues, and includes a quick link for detailed budget analysis. Users can conveniently toggle between 'Owner' and 'My Budget' views for tailored financial insights (Owner Rep Workspace ONLY).

  9. Meetings Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Stay organized and informed with the Meetings Widget, which lists your upcoming meetings along with their dates and times. A quick link is provided for each meeting, allowing for easy access to further details.

  10. Milestones Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Track crucial project milestones with the Milestones Widget, displaying upcoming milestones from the main project schedule, along with their due dates and current status. Critical path milestones are highlighted with a red flag for immediate attention. A quick link to the Project Schedule is available for detailed viewing and edits.

  11. Tasks Widget (Own, Rep, GC, Sub, Des):

    • Efficiently manage your responsibilities with the Tasks Widget, which segments tasks into "In My Court," "Tasks I'm a Member Of," and "Tasks I Created." It enables users to swiftly access a task slideout for quick edits, enhancing task management and collaboration efficiency.

  12. Billing Summary Widget (Own, Rep):

    • Stay on top of financials with the Billing Summary Widget, providing a high-level overview of billing aspects such as completed, stored, and retained payments. It includes a direct link to the budget module for in-depth billing information and allows users to toggle between 'Owner' and 'My Budget' for a customized financial perspective. (Toggle for Owner Rep Workspace ONLY)

Remember, everything on the dashboard is interactive and directly links you to the relevant source.

Thank you for taking the time to explore the Project Dashboard with us. We hope this guide has given you a comprehensive understanding of the dashboard's features and how they can help you out of your project management experience. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our support team.

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