Creating the Master Project Budget

Before you can begin Procurement, you must first have a structure of cost codes within your budget!

Jamaica Go avatar
Written by Jamaica Go
Updated over a week ago


Within your project, you have the ability to budget and forecast anticipated costs by setting up the Master Project Budget. The project budget consists of project cost codes that can be linked to quoted items of your contract and your vendor's contract. The steps below will guide you through how to add cost codes to your project budget.


User must have access or be added to the created project. A Project Cost Code structure with at least one project cost code template needs to exist prior to setting up an individual project's budget / cost code structure.


  1. Open the Project

  2. Using the project's navigation menu, scroll down to the Master Project Budget tab or click Current Budget from the main project dashboard:

3. Select the Project Cost Codes Template > click Load List

You will be prompted to confirm your project's base currency before you proceed. You will be unable to modify this currency after you click confirm, but you may change it at this point within the Project Settings.

Note that you can always add a Currency Conversion Template, if needed.

The project cost code structure will appear as the project budget structure. The

category names will identify the type of cost codes they contain.


Press the + button to expand the categories to show the cost codes:

Note: Project Cost Code templates are created from a project cost code master list which is located within Lists & Templates. Administrator and Project Executive (if approved by Administrator) account types are able to create and make changes to these lists and templates.

Editing the Project's Cost Code Structure

Once you have added a project cost code structure to your budget you may choose to add, delete, or overwrite any of the cost codes on the budget. See Update the Project Budget Cost Code Structure for instructions.

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