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Adding a Contract

Add a contract with a vendor for their services on your project, or add your contract with your client

Written by Erica Gasbarro
Updated over a week ago


Within the INGENIOUS.BUILD platform you can add a Vendor Contract or your Main Contract (your contract with your client). Use Contracts to enter contract details, specify the SoV/WBS breakdown, and add insurance requirements, retention rules, and supporting documents.


Project cost codes must be loaded into your Master Project Budget/ACR.


Use the Project Navigation Menu to open Project Contracts.

Click +Add Contract in the top right corner.

Choose if you are entering your Main Contract or a Vendor Contract and click Next Step.

Contract Details

Enter the Contract Name. This is typically used to describe the scope of work. It will appear on the main Project Contracts page.

If you are entering a vendor contract, specify which vendor this contract is with. Click Select Vendor.

In the contact modal that appears, you will see the contacts in your workspace. Search for the vendor. If you do not see the vendor you are looking for, add them to your workspace from here by entering their email address.

Choose Bookmark if this vendor is off-system and not collaborating using INGENIOUS. Choose Invite to send this vendor an invitation to collaborate using INGENIOUS.

Choose the Project Manager(s). As the creator of this contract, your name will default here. You can change the PM or add additional.

Choose the Contract Holder (Owner's Rep workspace type only). Use this dropdown to specify if you are managing this contract on behalf of your client in an Agency capacity.

Choose the Contract Type. Most agreements are Single Stage Agreements. You can also use INGENIOUS to enter GMPs.

Add an Initiation Date and Effective Date (optional).

Click Next Step.

Contract Documents

On this tab, confirm if this contract has already been executed outside of the INGENIOUS platform.

If you choose "Yes, I have an executed contract" you will be required to upload the contract before moving to the next step.

If you choose "No, I don't have an executed contract" you can move to the next step now, but will be required to upload the contract document before marking the contract as executed. Choose this option if the contract is not yet executed, but you want to start tracking the details and status within INGENIOUS.

You can upload multiple files here if applicable.

Click Next Step.

Insurance Requirements (optional)

Use the Insurance Requirements tab to enter the insurance requirements for this project and the vendor's insurance information. When you enter the vendor's insurance information, including the expiration date, you will be notified when the insurance is nearing expiration.

Add Insurance Requirement or Load from Template.

Enter the Name and Minimum Value for each requirement. If applicable, add Child Insurance Requirements to the Parent Insurance Requirement. For example, add "Each Occurrence" as a Child under the "Excess Liability" Parent.

Add the Vendor's Insurance Value, Expiration Date, and Effective date for each requirement.

Click Next Step.

Retention Rules (optional)

If you are holding retention on this contract, enter the rule here. Enter a value here to automatically apply a retention percentage to the whole contract. During the next step, when you configure the SoV/WBS, you will be able to change the retention percentage on individual items, if applicable.

When invoices are processed for this vendor, retention will automatically be held according to the retention on the contract.

Click Next Step.

Next Steps

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