Updating Cost Codes in the Project Budget

Change or add to the cost code structure for a project's master budget / ACR.

Jamaica Go avatar
Written by Jamaica Go
Updated over a week ago


Within a master project budget, there are cost code templates that are referenced as a way to categorize how money is spent for the project. The instructions below show how to change the project budget structure to include new or additional cost codes by referencing an existing project cost code budget template. 


  1. Within the intended project, from the project drop-down menu, select Master Project Budget / ACR, or click on the "Current Budget" module

3. Click Action on the top right corner. You'll see that you have the option to Add a single cost code, or add a budget template.

Adding a Cost Code

If you choose to add a cost code, you will be prompted to select a category and the intended cost code. Note — this list is pulled from the master list of project cost codes that the initially selected project cost codes template was made from. To check the full list of cost codes available to you, from the drop-down menu, go to Project Cost Codes.

  1. Add a Budget Line, or Load from Template to add a pre-set budget line item template

  2. Once complete, click Save, or if you have more cost codes you want to add, click Save and Add New

Deleting a Cost Code

To delete an existing cost code within the project budget, simply click on the hyperlinked dollar value under column A. A pop-up window will appear with the cost details associated with this cost code. On the bottom left, click Delete Cost Code, and confirm.

Adding a Budget Template

If you would like to append or overwrite the existing cost code structure, click Add Budget Template.

Append: add additional cost codes from a template to the existing structure for the selected project (recommended if additions are minimal)
Overwrite: replace all selected codes with a different cost code template. This will erase any dollar values previously entered.

See Also


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