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Manually enter Contracted Vendor Invoices

Enter invoices for your contracted vendors to track against your project budget

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over a week ago


Prior to entering vendor invoices, the contracts must be executed first. Contracts listed as Executed can have invoices accepted/manually entered for them. The structure of the contract's quoted items and schedule of values (SoVs) are the structure of the invoice. Go to your project's Project Contract page to view all contracts. See How to Create a Vendor Contract for further instructions.


Create the Vendor Invoice

  1. Navigate to the Project Pay Applications tab for the selected project > click All Invoices > click Add Invoice

The following Invoice Types will appear on the screen for selection:

  • My Invoice: invoices based on your contract to your client

  • Vendor Invoice: invoices on behalf of a vendor that has an executed contract with your company

  • Non-Contracted Invoice: invoice for any vendor or service your company does not hold a contract with (utilities, internet, misc. charges..etc.)

2. Select Vendor Invoice option

3. Enter in the vendor's check request / invoice information that will represent their invoice:

  • Select Vendor: only vendor's with executed contracts will be listed here

  • Vendor Invoice ID: enter the invoice ID number that your vendor has supplied to you on their check request. This will be how your company identifies invoices from a specific vendor that matches that vendor's internal ID.

  • Gross Invoice Value: enter amount of money the invoice will be for

  • Invoice Date: enter the date that the invoice was created on

  • Start Date: select the start date that the service billed is for

  • End Date: select the end date that the service billed is for

  • Application Package (optional): if you have setup an pay application package, you can place the invoice into the package that is still in draft mode and has not been submitted, approved or marked as paid

4. Click Next Step/Create

Owner/Rep Users:

If you are an Owner/Owner Rep, your next step will be to select the funding source for this invoice, however this step can be skipped if you do not wish to select the funding source right now:

Add Vendor Invoice Details

You will now structure the invoice details for your vendor and how the invoice will be billed against the project contract:

Invoice Line Items

The amount your vendor is billing you within their invoice will tie to a quoted item within the project contract you have with that vendor. You have the ability to place either a $ amount or a % based on the amount of work complete:

The Pay App Total located at the bottom of the screen will give you a sum of the total amount of the current pay application:

Once all amounts are entered per quoted item's SOV line, scroll back up to the Invoice Details to verify the line item totals are correct:

Add Invoice Documents

  1. Click the Documents tab to the right of the Invoice Line Items tab

  2. Upload backup documentation that your vendor supplied you with their invoice submission


The timeline tab allows you to see changes in the status of the invoice over time.

Save the Invoice as Vendor Submission

You can either choose to save invoice as Draft, or Vendor Submission by clicking Actions in the upper right hand corner:

  1. Click Actions in the upper right hand corner

  2. Select an action:

  • Save as Draft: select this action if you would still like to keep the invoice in draft mode for editing later

  • Save as Vendor Submission: select this action to mark the status as submitted, this will now allow you to mark it as under review, rejected or approved

  • Export to PDF: choose to export the invoice to pdf. This will export a summary of the invoice line items and all attachments included within the documents tab where your vendor invoice backup is stored

3. Click Save as Vendor Submission

4. Click Back to List after saving as vendor submission, you will see the invoice status has been updated to reflect selection:

If you placed the invoice in a pay application package, it will now be listed within the package you specified.

Next Steps


Mark the Invoice as Revise and Resubmit: this will status the invoice to be in a revision state. The next action that can be taken is to mark invoice as pending.

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