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New Meetings Module - FAQs

Meetings, Create a New Meeting, Share Agenda, Take Minutes, Share Minutes

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over a week ago

Hello valued customers,

We are thrilled to announce that we will introduce a new meeting structure, bringing enhanced features and efficiency to your meeting management. On August 21st, we plan to migrate all your data from the old meeting minutes tool and current templates to our new meetings module. We want to ensure you know that this migration process requires no action from you, as we will handle everything to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition.

For New Customers:
If you are a new customer or have recently joined our platform, or want to practice/test, you should start using the new meetings module. You will access the latest features and functionalities to streamline your meeting processes.

For Existing Customers with Meeting Minutes:

For our existing customers who already have meeting minutes, we recommend that you continue using the old meeting minutes module for now. This will prevent the need to recreate your templates and minutes.

Copying "My Templates" to "Company Templates":
We understand that administrators might want to copy their personalized templates ("My Templates") to the shared "Company Templates" to avoid re-entering the information. Unfortunately, at this time, this feature is not available. However, we'd like to acknowledge its importance and assure you that it is something we are looking to implement in the future.

Ability to Fully Delete Templates:
Some of you have inquired about the ability to fully delete templates. Currently, only archiving templates is possible in the new Meeting Minutes template module. However, we are actively working on adding the ability to delete templates entirely, providing you with more control over your templates.

Changing Disclaimer per Project:
We have considered the suggestion of changing the disclaimer on a per-project basis, but during our discovery-gathering process, we saw this as something other than a priority. Currently, the disclaimer is consistent across the company. However, if this is a crucial feature for you and your organization, please share your use case with us, and we will take it into account for future updates.

Topic and Numbering Sequence Logic:
We have received questions about re-arranging topics and the numbering sequence logic. You can re-arrange topics during the agenda and minutes status, but the numbering only changes in the first agenda. Once a meeting has been published, the numbering will remain consistent to allow users to reference meeting topics accurately across multiple meetings.

Tasks and References:
Tasks added to the minutes are intentionally not linked to the references. Tasks are meant to be associated with specific discussion items, while references pertain to higher-level aspects of the meeting. We are open to considering changes to this approach, so please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Editing Agenda After Sharing:
After sharing the meeting agenda, users currently have the ability to edit and re-arrange categories and topics without needing to select "take minutes." We understand the importance of locking the agenda after sharing it, and we are actively working on adding criteria to enable the agenda to be sent out multiple times. This enhancement will be rolled out soon, giving you more control over your agenda management process.

Need to make changes to previous meeting:
If you need to make changes to previous minutes, you would need to contact customer support using the chat.

We appreciate your feedback and questions, and we are committed to continuously improving our meeting management platform to meet your needs. If you have any more questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and ensure a seamless and productive experience with our new meeting update.

Thank you for choosing our platform for your meeting management needs!

See Also

Create a Meeting
Company Settings - Meetings
Creating and Customize Templates for Meetings

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