Create New Schedule

How to create a new schedule from scratch

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to our new Schedule module. In this article we will walk you how to create a schedule from scratch.

​Create New Schedule From Scratch

You can create a schedule from scratch by clicking "Create New Schedule," and Selecting from Scratch. This opens a blank schedule with various views like day, week, month, and quarter. A red line marks today's date.

Adding Phases or Activities:

  1. Use the Add Phase function located in the bottom corner to add a phase

  2. Add an activity by clicking on the plus symbol next to the phase

  3. Reference the Schedule Shortcuts (keyboard symbol) to guide you

Connecting Activities:

Drag and drop a dot next to an activity to establish a relationship.

Establish Activity Relationships:

Drag and drop a dot next to an activity to to establish a relationship. Similarly, you can manage activity relationships details by clicking on the schedule activity.

You can change dates, progress, milestone status, and more. We will dive deep on how to navigate and update schedule in the next articles.

Need additional guidance? Watch this step-by-step video:

See Also

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