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Adding Contacts to a Project

Bookmark or Invite your project members to various items throughout a project.

Written by Erica Gasbarro
Updated over a week ago


Many items you enter in INGENIOUS involve another party and require you to enter that other party's contact information. For example, a bidder receiving an RFP, a vendor you have a contract with, or an architect who is responding to your project RFIs.


Bookmark vs. Invite

When adding a contact to a project, you will see the option to Bookmark or Invite.

Bookmark means the contact is "off-system." They are not collaborating with you using INGENIOUS, but you are entering their information for your reference. You can always choose to Invite them later.

Invite means you are inviting this contact to collaborate with you using INGENIOUS. If they have not previously created an INGENIOUS account, they will receive an invitation to sign up. Once signed up, they will have access to the item you invited them to.

Adding Contacts

From Contacts

The Contacts module, located on the left-hand navigation, lists all of your workspace contacts. You can add new contacts to your contact listing from here. Adding a contact to the Contacts module does not invite them to join INGENIOUS. Adding Contacts here helps you collect the list of individuals you work with so that it is easier to add them to a project later.

On a Project

On a project, when adding a contact to an item, you will see the list of your workspace contacts. Adding a new contact here will also add them to the Contacts module in your workspace. This contact will then be available to add to other items in the future.

For example, when creating a new project you need to enter your client information:

You clicked Select Client and see this pop-up:

This list displays client contacts that have been previously entered as contacts in your workspace. Search for the client you are looking for. If you find them in the list, click Bookmark or Invite, and then Save.

If you do not find them in the list, type their email into the search bar.

Fill out the required fields and click Save to Contacts List.

Once the contact has been entered, choose to Bookmark or Invite them.

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