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Site settings
Updated over 11 months ago

You can change your general site settings: your site’s icon, name, and slug.


The icon you choose here is used to represent this site in Instant.

The ideal size is 256x256 pixels (minimum size is 32x32). The max file size is 3 MB.

Upload icon

  1. On your Instant dashboard, click the three dots icon for your site and select Site settings.

  2. Under Icon, click Upload.

  3. Drag and drop or select the icon you’d like to use.

Change icon

  1. On your Instant dashboard, click the three dots icon for your site and select Site settings.

  2. Under Icon, click Change.

  3. Drag and drop or select the icon you’d like to use.

Change your site's name

The site name is used to identify your site in Instant. (You set its external name in Shopify.)

  1. On your Instant dashboard, click the three dots icon for your site and select Site settings.

  2. Enter a new name.

  3. Click Save.

Change your site's slug

A slug is the part of your URL that identifies your site. By default, it is formed by taking your site’s name, enforcing lowercase letters, and changing the spaces into hyphens.

  1. On your Instant dashboard, click the three dots icon for your site and select Site settings.

  2. Enter a new Slug.

  3. Click Save.

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