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State Periodic Reports

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Liz Myers avatar
Written by Liz Myers
Updated over 6 months ago

So, we've incorporated you at the state level, and now you need to maintain that incorporation πŸŽ‰

First, we would love to plug our AutoPilot annual compliance program. Through that membership, we will manage your state periodic report and your federal 990 so that you do not have to worry about it. More information can be found here.

Some Annual Report Requirements FAQs:

Are any nonprofits exempt from filing the Nonprofit Corporation State Annual Report?

Regardless of the name or term used - Periodic Report, Statement of Information, or Annual Report, every state requires every formal entity type to file this report. The reason is that without a regular reporting mechanism for both nonprofits and for-profit companies, your Secretary of State would have no way of knowing which organizations may have gone out of business, moved, or lost the ability to operate.

When is the Nonprofit Corporation State Annual Report due?

Each state has its own, independent schedule for these filings. The actual due date may coincide with the month the corporation was formed, or your state may have a specific month in which the report is due for all corporations.

What happens if I fail to file the Nonprofit Corporation State Annual Report?

An organization that fails to file their Annual Report will receive a notice of Delinquent Status, followed by "Administrative Dissolution" - which renders the organization defunct and out of business.

Oh no! Our Nonprofit Corporation was dissolved. Can we reinstate it?

Each state has its own rules and internal guidelines - which are always evolving. If your corporation has been dissolved and you would like us to reinstate it, we handle that on a case-by-case basis.

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