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Custom Fields

Create your own customized fields to neatly capture & track the status of key funder and opportunity information

Tracie Zamiska avatar
Written by Tracie Zamiska
Updated over a month ago

Enhance your tracking capabilities with your own Custom Fields! This feature transforms how you store and access vital information. No more sifting through cluttered notes - clearly itemize and transform your notes into separate, uniform fields.

With Custom Fields, you can effortlessly capture and organize essential data such as priority status, winning probability, renewal dates, restrictions, internal IDs, and more. This feature presents your information in an easily readable format, streamlining your data management and improving efficiency.

Custom Fields are available to accounts beginning on the Professional Plan and above. Compare our plans' features here.

How can Custom Fields be Used?

Custom Fields can be assigned to Opportunities and Funders. Custom Fields are useful for creating priorities, tracking communication, identifying key highlights, expected outcomes, gauging quality, documenting information relevant to your organization's structure, reporting data used internally in the ordinary course of business, client suitability, and much more!

See some examples below:

Funder Examples

  • Basics

    • Funder type

    • Related links

  • Funder insights

    • Average grant amount

    • Average giving

    • Geographic focus

    • Mission

    • Link to 990

Opportunity Examples

  • Prospecting

    • Grant focus / funding uses

    • Probability / risk

    • Fit: good, medium, or poor

    • Key points of feedback from leadership

    • Application guidelines

    • Eligibility / restrictions

    • Specific caveats

    • Reporting requirements

    • Expected outcome

    • Use of AI-grant writing

  • Organization structure

    • Organization divisions, chapters, colleges

  • Grant attributes

    • New, renewal, re-attempt

    • Likelihood of reapplying

    • Grant type, e.g.. general operating, capital, matching, sub-grant

    • Grant contract number

    • Source

  • Financial

    • Yield for revenue planning and projections

    • Outstanding balance

    • Award vs. budget

    • Payment frequency (one-time, 4x/year)

    • Expected outcome

  • Consultants

    • Client pricing per grant proposal

    • Relevancy for multiple similar clients

  • Cultivation & stewardship

    • Relationship liaison

    • Tracking correspondence

    • Preferred communication method

    • Last contacted date

    • Growth prospects & standing

How to Create Custom Fields

  1. At the bottom of the lefthand navigation menu, click Account > Custom Fields. Then select +Add Field.

  2. Next, you'll fill out the required information:

Field Name

Identify the data you're tracking


Format: Text, Amount, Date, or Dropdown

Appears On

Assign to Opportunities or Funders

Field Name is the name of the field you'd like to track.

Type defines the type of field you'd like to create: Short Text, Long Text, Date, Amount, or Dropdown.

If you select dropdown, you'll be able to create the options for your dropdown menu.

Appears On assigns the Custom Field to an Opportunity or a Funder. If you want to have the same Custom Field for both Opportunities and Funders, create two of the same fields and assign one to Opportunities and one to Funders.

3. Once you've completed all required information, click the Save button. Now you're ready to utilize the Custom Fields you've created by navigating to an Opportunity or Funder!

Where do Custom Fields appear?

Custom Fields conveniently appear in three places:

Saved Funder/grant tabs

Project Tracker

CSV Reports

1) Saved Funder & Opportunity Tabs

When you click on an Opportunity or Funder, you'll see a separate tab called Custom Fields which contains the fields.

2) Directly on your Tracker

Be sure to click Edit Columns at the top right of your Tracker to check off and display your Custom Fields!

3) CSV Reports

To export Custom Field data, simply navigate to reports and create an Opportunity Report, Awards Report, or Funder Report. All of your Custom Fields will be included in the CSV reports.


Can I use Custom Fields to add my own "Status" to the built-in Tracker Statuses?

Not quite - Custom Fields allow for storing and tracking the status of various data types to suit your personalized needs! These are your own statuses "by proxy" and will not be added to the default list of application statuses (researching, planned, in progress, LOI submitted, etc.).

Why isn't my Custom Field showing up on my Tracker?

Once you save a new Custom Field for opportunities, be sure to go to the top right of your Tracker and hover over the pencil icon to check off and add the field to your Tracker view! Here you can add, remove, or adjust other fields as necessary to customize your Tracker columns.

Contact Us

Reach out to our friendly Customer Support team if you have any questions about using Custom Fields! Just use the chat bubble when you're logged into your account, or email us at

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