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Feature settings (ENG)
Marina Overbye avatar
Skrevet af Marina Overbye
Opdateret over en uge siden

In this article you have a full guide to control your customers' features in Intempus. 

With the Partner Modul you can access and administrate all the customer accounts, related to your partner account.

One of the most common tools is the Feature Settings which allow you to enable or turn off features and integrations.

Here you have a guide explaining you how too do so, with definitions of the common features.

1. First thing you do, is to log into the Partner Modul, find the customer and press on the three circles in the right side of the screen. Now press: Administrere

2. Now you acces the backend administration of the customer's Intempus account. Find and press on funktionsindstillinger / feature settings in the menu.

3. Press on Tilføj funktionsindstilling / Add feature setting

4. You see this window, where you do the following:

a. Choose the company account, by pressing on the loop on the right side of Virksomhed / Company

*OBS: If you do not choose a company, the feature can be released on all companies.

b. Choose what funktion to enable. It is only possible to enable one feature at the time. Press the drop-down bar and find the needed feature (see definition further down).

c. Remember to press Enable and afterward GEM (Save).

d. Now the feature is live on the customer's Intempus account.

OBS: Brugerprofil / Profile shall not be filled out.

Definitions of features / functions:

Here you have a list of the common features and the definition.

Features regarding salary integrations:

Integration to Danløn: Must be enabled in order to make a Danløn integration. This is the first thing you do in Danløn process.

NEW Dataløn integration: Must be enabled in order to make a Dataløn integration. This is the first thing you do in Dataløn process.

Integration to Dataløn: Shall not be used. It is the old Dataløn integration.

Locked date: Lock the opportunity for employees to registrate back in time if you are doing the salary and want to secure the time period. The lock-date is added in the company's administration login, under “Rapporter (Reports)” → Header: “Lås Dato (Lock Date)”.

Proløn: Must be enabled in order to make a Proløn integration. This is the first thing you do in Proløn process.

Visma Lön SE: Must be enabled in order to make a Visma Lön integration. This is the first thing you do in Visma Lön process.

MCD Løn Grønland: Must be enabled in order to make a MCD integration. This is the first thing you do in MCD process

Features regarding economy integrations:

Fakturerer som vare (Invoice as product): If you have an economy integration and an activity (in Employee Groups) shall be invoiced as an item/product in the economy system, this function is needed in order to connect the Activity with the Product (It is required if you want to invoice based on entries in Intempus).

Artesa: Must be enabled in order to make a Artesa integration. This is the first thing you do in Artesa process

Features regarding mileage:

Cutoff: If the employees are using mileage cover (kørselsfradrag), and the rule is that the first 10 km out and home are self paid, you can use cutoff to administrate this. When enabling this feature, you will in the mileage activity see Cutoff / Fratræk antal. In this field you enter the amount (ex. 10) and save it. With an integration to a salary system, it will only be the 10+ km which will be send, i.e. if you make an 12 km. entry, only the 2 km. will be send to the integration.

Shortest mileage route: The mileage map on the app is now showing the shortest route (in km) instead of the best, based on Google Maps calculations.

Næsten, men ikke helt ulig km: If the employee shall not enter any adresses, but only the total amount of km, enable this funktion.


Features regarding overtime and lieu hours

Afspadseringsbalance / Lieu balance: If any employees are using a lieu balance or flex balance for overtime, this function shall be enabled before the rest of the set-up. This function visualize the balance in Reports in the customer's administration.

Norm rapport: If you set-up Daily Standard Hours (Dagsnorm) you can use this feature to visualize the amount of hours that differences from the standard. I.e. if you set a standard of 37 hours, and the employee only register 30, the report will show a -7 hours. It will be visualized in the customer's administration, under Reports and then Norm Rapport.

Features regarding the employees app and accesses

Vareindberetning (product entry): If the employees shall not have the option to entry products in the app, this feature shall be turned off by doing as regular, but not put a mark in "Enable".

Medansvarlig (partly responsible): 1. approves. If you have an employee (i.e. leader etc.) whom shall pre-approve other employees entries, before the final approves this feature shall be enabled. It has to be enabled together with either Godkendelsesflow (medarbejder) or Godkendelsesflow (projekt) - see more info further down.

Godkendelsesflow - medarbejdere (Approval - employees): If the 1. approves shall approve certain people's entries, this one shall be enabled. Remember to put "Responsible for.." on the employees he/she is responsible for, and let the leader "Log in as approves" in the profilesettings.

Godkendelsesflow - projekter (Approval - projects): If the 1. approves shall approve entries on certain projects, this one shall be enabled. Remember to fill out"Responsible" on the project and let the employee/leader "Log in as approves" in the profilesettings.

Kan opdatere sagsstatus (Update project status): This gives the employees access to update the project status on the app, for each project. See more about the feature here.

Start/Stop time: The employees can use the start/stop time function, which allows a timer to count in the background, while working. See how it works on the app here.

File-upload: In order to upload files (pictures, documents etc.) on projects or with entries, this feature has to be on together with File Upload for Projects. See how to set-up the whole feature here.

File Upload for Projects: In order to upload files (pictures, documents etc.) on projects or with entries, this feature has to be on together with File Upload. See how it works in the admin and app (on projects and entries).

Native app saving location: Track the employees location when they are making registrations/entries. This feature saves the location (if the employee has allowed the app to use GPS), which is visualized in the single entry's line in admin (add startsted and slutsted )in the report overview.

Akkordarbejde (Chord work): Gives you the tab "Akkordarbejde" (Chord work) in the Rapporter (Reports) menu. Then go to Employee Groups and tick on Akkord in the work types which shall be calculated in the chord work. When employees are doing chord work, the tab Chord Work allows you to automatically calculate the profit for the employees.

Automatisk godkendelse (Automatic approve): If the feature is enabled, all entries/registrations will automatically be approve and you will not have access to edit or delete any entries.

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