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How to write the copy for your quiz opt-in form
How to write the copy for your quiz opt-in form

What to say on the quiz lead generation form so people will choose to opt in

Damaris Pacheco avatar
Written by Damaris Pacheco
Updated over 4 months ago

Quizzes have an overall average conversion rate of 40.8% meaning that 4 of 10 people who start quizzes opt in. That’s astronomically high, and this guide is meant to give you the recommendations you’ll need to write the opt-in form on your quiz so you can achieve a high conversion rate on your quiz.

Disclaimer: This post is not legal advice. Contact your legal counsel before publishing your quiz opt-in form for privacy and data compliance

Step 1: From your Interact Dashboard click "Edit" on the quiz you want to customize the lead generation copy for.

Step 2: Click on "Lead generation" on the left sidebar, then click "Set up opt-in form"

Note: If you are not seeing what is pictured below, click "Form" at the top middle so you can get to the page where you can customize the opt-in form copy.

Step 3: Scroll down to where you see number 3 "Edit Form Content"

This is where we will edit the opt-in form copy. I put a screenshot of what we should be looking at below so we're in the same place.

Step 4: Write the opt-in form copy following these recommended principles.

  1. For the main text: Let people know their results are on the next page whether they choose to opt in or not. This builds trust and lets people know that you are offering something of additional value if they choose to opt in but it's not required. This is what you want for the health of your leads and your list.

  2. For the sub-text: Ask people if they would like to join your list for additional value as it relates to the quiz. If you are going to send additional resources related to their particular quiz result, specify that here.

  3. For the button copy: Have it say "Subscribe + see my results" so people know exactly what they are committing to if they choose that option.

  4. For the skip button copy: Have it say "Skip this step - show me my results" so they know that if they skip they will still get their quiz results.

Step 5: Click "Publish" for your opt-in form copy changes to go live.

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