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How to use chart drill-in
How to use chart drill-in

Understand how to use chart drill-in on your reports for deeper analysis behind the data.

Mark O'Donovan avatar
Written by Mark O'Donovan
Updated over 3 months ago

Chart drill-in is a powerful, user-friendly tool that empowers you to delve into your data with greater precision and clarity within your Intercom workspace. It facilitates in-depth data exploration and root cause analysis, offering a detailed view of the data used to calculate metrics in a given chart.

How it works

"Can Access Chart Drill-In" workspace permission allows you to use the chart drill-In feature. By default, this permission aligns with the "Can Export CSV" permission, reflecting similar data access levels.

Chart drill-in is available for all charts in report templates or created in custom reports. From a report template or custom report, simply hover over a chart and select Drill-in. If the chart uses multiple metrics, you'll need to select the metric you want to drill-in to.

This opens a model that displays a data table with all of the rows used to calculate the metric displayed in the chart.

Data table features

  • Filterable: Refine the data table results using the + Add filter button. The available data attributes for filtering depend on the datasets from which the metric is derived.

To learn more about the available attributes for each metric, and their corresponding definitions, see Understanding reporting datasets.

  • Sortable: Click on a column name to sort and group the data in the table. Attributes from a list format, like "channel," are grouped and sorted by their list ID instead of alphabetically. For columns with multiple values, such as conversation tags, sorting is based on the first value in the list.

  • Add/Remove Columns: Use the columns button on the top right to customize the table's columns. By default, the table displays the ID, timestamp, and metric value (if applicable), along with any attributes used for viewing or segmenting in the chart. Column preferences are saved at the chart level.

  • Conversation Preview: Gain immediate insights by viewing conversations directly from the drill-in table. Click on the Conversation ID or Conversation Action ID link to access a specific conversation part, taking you directly to the relevant action within a conversation.

Note: When you add filter conditions combined with "OR" at the report level, these conditions will default to "AND" in the chat-drill feature. This is because displaying multiple logical operators simultaneously is not supported.

Export to CSV

Chart-drill in also enables you to export the data behind a chart for further exploration and analysis outside of Intercom. Once you click Export CSV, the file will download right to your browser.

The export button will only be enabled when there are 10,000 or less rows to be exported.

Only the columns visible in the drill-in table will be exported to the CSV file. You can adjust which columns are visible by clicking the column icon and selecting the columns you want to export 👇


Why is the conversation data export marked as “legacy”?

This is our original export feature that only exports conversation level data. The chart drill-in feature now allows you to export and explore more data as a CSV.

What timezone is used for dates in the chart drill-in CSV export?

Your workspace’s default timezone is used. This is shown in the CSV column header for columns that are date specific.

Why are dates formatted differently in the CSV export than in the chart drill-in?

The format used in the CSV is more easily parsed by spreadsheet applications.

Why isn’t chart drill-in available on legacy pre-built reports?

The chart drill-in feature is only available on new report templates and custom reports.

Why are there more rows in the chart drill-in compared to the value I see in the chart?

The difference in the number of rows in the chart drill-in compared to the chart value occurs because some metrics, especially those from the Conversation actions dataset, are calculated based on unique conversations. For instance, the metric for "Closed conversations" shows the count of unique conversations that were closed in a specific time period. However, each conversation may have several close actions. Therefore, in the chart drill-in, if a conversation has been closed multiple times, it is displayed as one row per close action.


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