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Assignment Automation
Daniel Poston avatar
Written by Daniel Poston
Updated over 2 years ago

Assignment Automation

Follow Up Boss Automation

1) Re-Assign Contact Record

Whichever agent is assigned to the appointment with the Assignment form will be assigned to the contact record.

2) Add Collaborators

If the person who set the appointment is different than the agent who is assigned to the appointment, the person who set the appointment will be added to the contact record as a collaborator.

3) Add Appointment

An Appointment calendar invite will be created in the contact record. The location will be determined by what was selected on the ‘Appointment Location’ field on the Appointment form.

4) Create Deals

The Deal or Deals that are created will be determined by the ‘Lead Type’ field on the appointment form. If ‘Buyer’ is selected, a Deal will be created in the Buyers pipeline. If ‘Seller’ is selected, a Deal will be created in the Sellers pipeline. If ‘BuyerSeller’ is selected, a Deal will be created in both pipelines.

Sisu Automation

1) Create Clients

For each FUB Deal that is created, a related Client/Transaction will be created in Sisu and will be linked to the related Deal in FUB.

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