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How do I make a Community Review for the bottle I just consumed?
How do I make a Community Review for the bottle I just consumed?
Jeff Daiter avatar
Written by Jeff Daiter
Updated over a week ago

A Community Note is a very important piece of information that will allow other people learn about what you thought of a bottle with the same vintage that was consumed at that time. It is important from the perspective of know if it is worthwhile to drink the bottle now or wait a bit longer based on the community note. Also, know what other writers’ taste is helpful when deciding to purchase a given bottle. We have steered away from rating systems as we felt these to be truly arbitrary. Instead, we have utilized a system where we “up-vote” or “down-vote” and entry thereby allowing for the best or most relevant notes to bubble to the top and the undesirable notes to sink to the bottom.

Once a wine has a community review associated with it, you can see that review when clicking into the label and selecting the Reviews tab. This is also where you can up-vote or down-vote an entry.

On the web app (see you can write a review by clicking on the label of interest. This pulls up the label window on the right side. You will notice that under the quick buttons to Add, Remove or Shop, there are five headers of which one is Reviews. Selecting this will allow you to next tap on “Add a Review” whereby you can enter your notes.

In addition, you can also write a Community Review while you are progress through the Consumed Flow.

You can set up your Community Username int under the Profile tab. To do this, click on your Profile image in the top left and under the Profile header, you can create your Community Username.

The mobile app is almost identical to the above.

Of note, on the mobile app, when you click on your Profile in top left, you can see all the wines you have created a review on and how many up-votes or down-votes you have.

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