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How can I change the display order of my Collection?
How can I change the display order of my Collection?
Jeff Daiter avatar
Written by Jeff Daiter
Updated over a week ago

On the web app (see, the Collection page is displayed in alphabetical order by default. However, you can choose the Sort by button on the top right to enable the collection to be sorted by Newest Added to Collection, Oldest Added to Collection, Newest Vintage, Oldest Vintage, Highest Quantity, Lowest Quantity, Highest Purchased Price, Lowest Purchase Price, Highest Market Price or Lowest Market Price.

You can also filter you Collection (narrow the entry list) buy choosing Filters on the top right. Here, you can choose to filter down on one (e.g., Tags) or many items simultaneously (Purchase Price and Vintage)

You can also click on one of the Advance Filters that allow you filter down on those wines that are Ready to Drink, Expiring Soon or Past Prime. This is, of course, based on the drink windows that are attached to those wine. Should you find a wine that is allocated Past Prime but that you feel is still very drinkable, please feel free to adjust the drink window.

On the mobile app, you will find that the filtering options are present slightly differently. While various sorting option are available the top, you can also work your way down the page to be able to filter on specific cellars (if you have more than one), Sections in your cellar (if you are using VinLocate). Color of the wine, Varietal, Tags, Countries, Regions, Bottles size, Food Pairings, Purchase Location, Quantity, Purchase Price, Market Price,

Notice that as you select any number of filters, the Show Bottle count on the bottom right changes.

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