The sidebar is the primary way to navigate in InZynk.
Can be collapsed by clicking on the label
Dashboard - See collected insights from your advertising
Target Companies - Add companies you would like to target and see advertising statistics for those companies.
Creatives - Upload or view your ad formats
Company tracking
Can be collapsed by clicking on the label
Dashboard - See website traffic
Target Companies - See website traffic from your targeted companies
Visitors - See all website visits
Can be collapsed by clicking on the label
Dashboard - See collected insights from your LandingZones
Target Companies - Add companies you would like to target and see LandingZone statistics for those companies.
LandingZones - Upload or view your LandingZones
Ad Creator
Can be collapsed by clicking on the label
My Designs - Generated advertising designs that can be saved as creatives
Visual Profile - set up your brand guidelines with logo, font, and colors
The sidebar is collapsible by clicking the < icon at the top to give you more screen real estate as you use InZynk.
The settings menu shows you details about your profile and account. You can invite new members, edit seat preferences, and find help. Open the menu by clicking on the icon.
My User
Update your first and last name
Update your password
Seat Preferences
Users - Manage existing users and invite new users
Saved filters - Create or update your saved filters to search and browse companies
Company tags - Create or update tags for identifing different aspects of your companies
Tracking script - Get the unique script for placing on your website to start your company tracking
IP Search Request - Do a search request to find companies we haven't yet matched
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Access our Help Center to read all our articles.