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How to add feedback per response

Authors can add Feedback per response for some task types, to give feedback specific to each response a learner answered.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 6 months ago

As an author, you can add Feedback per response for some task types (multiple choice, true/false, choice matrix, matching, classification), to give feedback specific to each response a learner answered.

This gives learners more specific feedback relating to just a particular item in a task.

Note: The feedback is "attached" to the task option/item, and displays whether the learner gets the item right or wrong.

Example 1: Multiple choice task with feedback per response

In the case of a task where there is one correct answer and a learner makes one choice (e.g. a multiple choice), you can use the feedback to explain why the incorrect choices are incorrect.

Example multiple choice task which asks "Which is jupiter?" a learner has selected mars and the feedback for choosing mars is "Incorrect, this planet is Mars. Jupiter is a similar colour, but you'll have to look more closely..."

When using some of the other task types where a learner completes multiple items, you'll need to use Feedback per response a little differently.

Example 2: Classification task with feedback per response

In the example below, we can see Feedback per response shows for each item the learner "completed" (placed into a category) because the learner completed each response (the blanks within the task).

Example classification task where learners classify planets as terrestrial, gas giants, or ice giants. The learner has classified mercury and earth correctly, and venus incorrectly. Specific feedback shows for each (mercury, earth, venus) response that the learner has completed.

So, in these kinds of cases, you need to write your Feedback per response to cover the learner getting the response correct or incorrect, because it shows no matter what.

In these cases, the purpose of Feedback per response can be to add specific pointers rather than automatic feedback that applies to the whole task.

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