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Choose what your clients can see in the Client Portal
Choose what your clients can see in the Client Portal
Updated over a week ago

You can choose how much information you share with your client by navigating to Settings > Other options.

From within this section of JACK you can edit the following items:

  1. Client schedule detail:

    Choose whether you want your customers to see all individual schedule items, only the phases within a job, or no schedule at all.

  2. Client job schedule limit:

    Set the number of days into the future the client can see when viewing the job's schedule.

  3. Client visibility of invoice status:

    Choose whether your customers can see if their invoices are overdue or if their payments have been received for all invoices issued on their job.

  4. Job progress bar:

    You can choose whether your customers can see the status of their Job within your Job pipeline. Different job statuses can be created within Settings > Data Setup > Job Status.

Make sure to Save any changes you make.

Here is an example of what your client will see on the Client Portal.

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