Once an estimate is converted to a job, the only way to add new cost items is via a Variation or a Gain / Loss.
To add a new cost item complete the following steps:
Navigate to Jobs > select the relevant Job > Job Financials > Budget and scroll down to the relevant cost category.
Click on the cost category to expand the details, and click on + Cost Item.
Enter the cost item name, the cost type, and the unit of measurement, and click on Save in the bottom right.
To add a $ cost amount to the new cost item, select the tick-box on the left hand side and then click on Gain / Loss or Variation in the bottom right of the screen.
A Builder Gain / Loss would be used if the builder chose to use a different supplier or subcontractor and there was a change in the price. This difference will not be passed on to the client. This will reduce or increase the profit the builder is making on the job.
A Variation would be used if the client changed their mind about a cost item. For example, they decided after the estimate was complete that they wanted a rainwater tank installed. This difference will be passed on to the client.
Once the new item is created, bills can be created against this line item.