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Stages of a Jiffy Job
Stages of a Jiffy Job

A brief explanation of the lifecycle of a request. From job request to job completion.

Rosita avatar
Written by Rosita
Updated over a week ago

Pending Request - Amazing! You've made a request and just need to  ‘confirm’ the job so it's sent out to our Pros. Note: You will need to have your credit card on file to confirm the request.

Requested: Your job request has sent out to all of our Pros, and should be accepted within 30 minutes. Note: If your job is not accepted within an hour, it's possible your request is in the wrong category, out of scope of what our Pros are able to take on, or in rare cases, we may not have an available Pro within your time frame. We'll reach out once we have a team member review your request.

Accepted: YAY! Your request was accepted. You'll now be able to see who's coming and when. Your Pro should also be reaching out to you momentarily to discuss any job details to ensure they come prepared. You can also message your Pro anytime within the Jiffy mobile app.

En Route: Your Pro is on their way. Get ready for their arrival!

In Progress: The job is in progress.

Awaiting Payment: Your invoice was sent out via email and updated on your profile - you are provided 24 hours to review your bill before it will automatically be processed to the credit card on your account.

Completed: The job is complete and your pro has billed out the job. An Invoice is available on your account and will be emailed to you as well. If you have any questions about the invoice or job itself, first message your Pro within the app and if need be, us (Jiffy) directly.

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