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After hours rates

Monday to Friday after 5pm, Saturdays, Sundays & holidays are billed at 1.5X regular rates for certain categories

Rosita avatar
Written by Rosita
Updated over a week ago

Certain categories have after hours rates on weekday evenings as of 5pm, weekends and holidays, which are 1.5X regular rates. This will be mentioned on the specific category's rate card upon booking.

We aim to have industry average rates within each category (or cheaper with Jiffy+). Charging industry average rates is key as to encourage Pros within the certain categories to accept your job. That's why certain categories (ex. Electrical, Plumbing, Gas Services, etc.) have after hours rates.

Note:  If you request an appointment Monday to Friday before 5pm (morning/afternoon), you will not be charged this rate. If a pro accepts for the evening or later asks to come in the evening, the regular rate is honored.

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