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Junk Removal

Junk Removal Pro's can haul away any thing that needs to be thrown away!

Rosita avatar
Written by Rosita
Updated over a week ago

Junk Removal Pros can pick up any/all junk. This will be taken to the local landfill site.

This rate is based on the amount of space filled in the pros truck. Truck size: 10'x8'x5'.

Construction materials, heavier items, and appliances may be extra and will be quoted by your pro.ย 

To book, click here!
โ€‹Helpful tips - What to add to your Job description:ย 

  • List the amount of Junk or items that need to be picked up

  • it is helpful to have all of the Junk bagged, and ready to go

  • Add photos to your request

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