If you decide to secure your BNG gain via off-site solutions, you may wish to secure all your gains off-site. In other words, you decide not to secure any gains within the red line of your site.
If you do decide to secure all your gains off-site you can take the following steps to remove any on-site gains you have drawn into the Biodiversity Net Gain Tool.
STAGE ONE: Remove enhancements
STEP ONE: On the main page, go to the BNG Solution Finder and Click on the "Enhancement" tab
STEP TWO: Delete all selected enhancements (the boxes with little maps in them) by pressing the "X" button in the top right.
STAGE TWO: Remove creation
STEP ONE: Go to the "intended works" tab
STEP TWO: Check to see what habitats are listed. Only the following habitat types create zero units:
“Developed land, sealed surface”
“Developed land, unsealed surface”
“Built linear features”
“Unvegetated garden”
“Non-native and ornamental hedgerow”
Any other habitat will result in the creation of units.
STEP THREE: Any habitat which is NOT one of the above should be seriously reviewed. If they can be removed, delete them by pressing the bin icon in the right-hand side column.