General Advice
Local validation requirements here
Lancaster’s BNG level is set at 10%.
The NPPF states: "applicants are encouraged to consider biodiversity net gain early in the development process and factor it into site selection and design. Where appropriate, they should discuss the biodiversity net gain requirements for their development upfront with the relevant local planning authority utilising any pre-application advice services offered by them. This could help establish whether development proposals would be subject to biodiversity net gain and, if they are, enable feedback on the proposed strategy for achieving the biodiversity gain objective and consideration of the Biodiversity Gain Hierarchy to inform the design of the proposals"
Please note, If you work for the LPA and wish to add additional information, please inform the Joe's Blooms team here.
Pre-Application Advice Service
Lancaster’s pre-application advice service can be found here.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
Lancaster is part of the Lancashire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. Information can be found here.
Specific Requirements
Specific BNG Requirements are set out in Policy 4.12.1 of the Local Plan (adopted November 2022).
4.12.1 In discussing approaches for BNG delivery the Council are aware that there are a number of ways through which net gain can be secured. These are currently being explored by RSK Wilding on behalf of the Council and will form part of the Biodiversity Net Gain Strategy which should be published later this year. Notwithstanding the outcome of this work the Council are keen to explore community and stakeholder views on potential approaches.
See also the BNG Page.
Strategic Significance
Specific Strategic Significance Requirements are set out in Policy 4.8.11 and 4.8.14 of the Local Plan (adopted November 2022).
4.8.11 To progress the Council’s understanding of the role of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and its implications on the AAP, consultants RSK Wilding have prepared a series of individual reports on the potential development parcels29 which are reflective of the parcels identified in the JTP Masterplan. This has provided an indicative starting point in terms of understanding the implications of Biodiversity Net Gain which can be revised and updated as formal allocations progress through the Action Plan process.
4.8.14 The calculations are based on the areas and lengths of habitats found on the site, their distinctiveness, condition and strategic significance. Assessments also acknowledge that at this stage exact plans for the parcels including exact boundaries are unknown. While the calculations will need to be undertaken again as more detailed plans emerge, they do provide a useful steer in understanding how net gain can be delivered.