General Advice
Local validation requirements here
Mid Devon’s BNG level is set at 10%.
The NPPF states: "applicants are encouraged to consider biodiversity net gain early in the development process and factor it into site selection and design. Where appropriate, they should discuss the biodiversity net gain requirements for their development upfront with the relevant local planning authority utilising any pre-application advice services offered by them. This could help establish whether development proposals would be subject to biodiversity net gain and, if they are, enable feedback on the proposed strategy for achieving the biodiversity gain objective and consideration of the Biodiversity Gain Hierarchy to inform the design of the proposals"
Please note, If you work for the LPA and wish to add additional information, please inform the Joe's Blooms team here.
Pre-Application Advice Service
Mid Devon’s pre-application advice service can be found here.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
Mid Devon is part of the Devon Local Nature Recovery Strategy. Information can be found here.
Specific Requirements
Specific BNG Requirements are set out in Policy S1 of the Local Plan (adopted July 2020).
The following strategic priorities outline what will need to be achieved to deliver the Vision and address the key issues that have been identified in Mid Devon. All development will be expected to support the creation of sustainable communities by minimising impacts on biodiversity and geodiversity by recognising the wider benefits of ecosystems, delivering natural environment objectives, providing a net gain in biodiversity and by the protection of international, European, national and local designated wildlife sites.
See also the BNG Page.
Strategic Significance