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LPA Guide: Fylde
Written by Oliver Lewis
Updated over 2 months ago

General Advice

Local validation requirements here

Fylde’s BNG level is set at 10%.

The NPPF states: "applicants are encouraged to consider biodiversity net gain early in the development process and factor it into site selection and design. Where appropriate, they should discuss the biodiversity net gain requirements for their development upfront with the relevant local planning authority utilising any pre-application advice services offered by them. This could help establish whether development proposals would be subject to biodiversity net gain and, if they are, enable feedback on the proposed strategy for achieving the biodiversity gain objective and consideration of the Biodiversity Gain Hierarchy to inform the design of the proposals"

Please note, If you work for the LPA and wish to add additional information, please inform the Joe's Blooms team here.

Pre-Application Advice Service

Fylde’s pre-application advice service can be found here.

Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Fylde is part of the Lancashire Local Nature Recovery Strategy. Information can be found here.

Specific Requirements

Specific BNG Requirements are set out in Policy 13.29 of the Local Plan (adopted December 2021).

13.29 The Framework stresses the importance of providing net gains for biodiversity; including by establishing coherent ecological networks that are more resilient to current and future pressures. The Framework plus other legislation, regulations and guidance set out both how this is to be achieved, and legal duties and requirements for nature conservation. Performance Monitoring Indicator 14, in Appendix 8, sets out a target / policy outcome to achieve net gains in biodiversity. Opportunities for new biodiversity features within or near to development should be taken. This could be in association with infrastructure, such as highways and flood defences. In particular, tree planting can be effective in screening highways and other infrastructure that has a detrimental impact on the landscape. Other opportunities can include leaving areas of open space unmown, planting small areas of greenspace with wildflower species and native shrubs or incorporating new or existing ponds and SuDs within or close to new development.

See also the BNG Page.

Strategic Significance


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