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Page Guide: Priority Habitat on your site
Page Guide: Priority Habitat on your site
Written by Oliver Lewis
Updated over 4 months ago


The Government has said that the Small Site Metric can only be used if there isn't statutory protected sites or priority habitats within your red line diagram. On this page, we perform a desk survey of the MAGIC dataset and other Government datasets to assess whether or not there are priority habitats on or near your site.

Detailed Explanation

This page is seeking to determine whether you are able to use the small site metric. If you are, it means that you are - under the rules - allowed to complete BNG without needing to hire a suitably qualified ecologist. However, whether or not this is true depends on which of the following situations are true:


What you should do

Priority habitats or protected sites are within your site's red line

You should not use the small site metric. You should instead use the statutory metric. The Biodiversity Net Gain Tool will not - at the moment - be the right tool for you.

Priority habitats or protected sites are not within your site's red line but are within 500m of the red line

You may be able to use the small site metric, but you may want to discuss with the LPA whether this is appropriate.

There are no priority habitats or protected sites are not within your site's red line and are not within 500m of the red line

The small site metric can be used.

While the Biodiversity Net Gain Tool will always allow you to proceed, however you should only proceed if there are priority habitats within your site if you have clear approval from the Local Planning Authority and supporting evidence from a qualified ecologist (e.g. the view is that the data is flawed and there isn't protected habitat on the site).

Please note, if you have priority habitats on site and but ignore these warnings, Joe's Blooms will not offer a refund if the LPA later rejects the use of the Small Site Metric (SSM).

Questions and Answers

What information do you use to assess whether or not there are priority habitats on or near the site?

We use a range of official datasets, including the MAGIC dataset and designations listed in paragraph 186 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). You can download a full list of the data sources later on in the user journey.

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