On this page, we ask for your permission to share anonymised data about what habitats are currently on your site and what habitats you place. We do not send over any personal information.
If you do not consent you may continue.
Who we share data with
Please note that this list may be updated from time to time.
HM Government
Local Authorities
Government bodies (e.g. Natural England,
Local Environment Record Centres
We may also share this data with commercial partners including (but not limited to) external analysis and technical support teams to help improve our service.
Please note that there are no statutory requirements to consult a particular body prior to determining a planning application specifically related to biodiversity net gain. The normal consultation arrangements for planning applications apply.
Natural England is not a statutory consultee for biodiversity net gain matters in relation to individual applications. It should only be consulted where it is a statutory consultee under Article 18 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
Please also note that, as part of this consultation, the information submitted as part of the application, including the minimum Biodiversity Gain information will be made publicly available for comment. This will follow the normal rules for information disclosure.