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Vouchers as Payments: Before and After
Vouchers as Payments: Before and After

Comparing affected features before and after the change to voucher payments.

Will Patterson avatar
Written by Will Patterson
Updated over a week ago

On August 1, 2024, vouchers were changed from a type of discount to a payment method. This update brought several changes to how vouchers are applied and reported, and for the first time allow refunds with automatic reinstatement to the client's profile.

The business service charge will not apply to any purchase that was paid for with a voucher.

Below is a granular breakdown of what changed with this launch.

What is voucher value?

Voucher value calculation has remained unchanged since the launch of voucher payments. It is calculated based on the membership or package purchase price divided by the number of voucher groups within that package, and then divided among the vouchers within those groups. Using voucher value for accounting purposes is standard practice.

For example: A client purchases a package of 4 manicures for $100. When dividing $100 by 4 vouchers, we get a voucher value of $25 each. Therefore, if a manicure is $35 normally, the adjustment to that list price is -$10.

OR: There is a package costing $100 with two groups of vouchers: one group has 4 blow dry vouchers and the other has 2 wash & condition vouchers. First, the value of the package is divided by the two groups—each worth $50. Then, that $50 is divided by the number of vouchers in each group. Each blow dry voucher would be worth $12.50 ($50 divided by 4) while each wash & condition voucher would be worth $25 ($50 divided by 2).

Front Desk




Applying a Voucher:

Vouchers operated as a discount. When a voucher was applied, it would zero out a service and the total value deducted would appear under Discounts in the checkout window.

Removing Vouchers:

If a staff member wanted to remove a voucher, they could click the X button next to the voucher and delete it from the transaction.

In Duo:

The client is shown the list price of the service crossed out.

Applying a Voucher:

Vouchers operate as a payment method. The voucher still zeroes out the service. However, it is also now applied at the bottom as a partial payment. The struck out value of the service also becomes the value of the voucher, not the value of the service, but any gratuity percentage is calculated off of the service list price.

If no additional balance remains, the staff member may close the order. If there are other line items or gratuity applied, the staff member may select a payment method and either push to Duo or accept payment through the dashboard.

Removing Vouchers:

When removing a voucher, the staff member clicks the three dots next to the voucher name at the bottom of the transaction and selects delete.

Because the voucher behaves as a partial payment, a window to refund the voucher will pop up. The staff member should enter a reason and then click refund. The voucher will be removed from the transaction.

In Duo:

The client is shown the service list price crossed out, as well as an indicator that a voucher has been redeemed.

Before and after images of checkout with a voucher applied.




The client is shown the list price of the service crossed out. Gratuity is shown as a percentage of the service list price and is charged as such.

The client is shown the service list price crossed out, as well as several indicators that a voucher has been applied.

Orders & Refunding




The order shows the list price for the service along with any gratuity.


If a customer refunded a redeemed service, they would have to manually reinstate the voucher on the client’s profile within the specific membership or package. Any gratuity would be refunded to the payment method used.


The client is shown the voucher value on the order along with any gratuity.

When you hover over the voucher total, you’ll see a breakdown of the voucher value vs the list price. The “Adjustment” shows whether the list price was higher or lower than the voucher value and what that difference is.

For example: A manicure is $35 and the voucher value is $25. Therefore, the adjustment is -$10.


When a customer refunds a redeemed transaction, the voucher is automatically reinstated to the client’s profile. Any gratuity is refunded to the primary payment method used.





Sales Summaries:

Voucher discounts were not shown; however, voucher sales would appear under product sales (as a membership or package sale). The appointments and service counts would appear under the Daily Summary, and the transactions would appear in Payments & Refunds. However, there would be no change to sales metrics unless gratuities, other services, or products were added.

Sales Summaries:

Voucher sales via memberships and packages show as product sales in the Product Sales Summary and as payments in the products category of the Sales Summary.

In the Sales Summary, voucher redemptions show as a voucher payment under payment methods. Service sales are now split into two rows:

  • Services Redeemed with Vouchers

  • Services (does not include redeemed vouchers)




Detailed Line Item:

Gross Sale: Product and service list price.

Discount: The value of the redeemed service that was crossed out by the voucher.

Net Sales: Shows all sales, including products, services, and memberships & packages, less discounts and refunds. Voucher redemptions were a discount and therefore would have deducted from the total.

Net Service Sales: Shows all service sales less discounts and refunds. Voucher redemptions were a discount and therefore would have deducted from the total.

Service Sales: Total service sales and would have included the list price of a redeemed service.

Refunds: Were not applicable.

Redeemed Voucher Value: No change.

Payments & Refunds:

Unless a gratuity payment was made, a voucher redemption would not show up within this report.

Detailed Line Item:

Gross Sale: No change. Product and service list price.

Discount: No longer applicable for vouchers.

Net Sales: Shows all sales, including products, services, memberships & packages, and voucher redemptions, less discounts and refunds. Voucher redemptions are calculated based on voucher value.

Net Service Sales: Shows all service sales, including those that were redeemed via voucher, less discounts and refunds. This is calculated based on the voucher value.

Service Sales: Total service sales will exclude the list price of a service when a voucher is redeemed, as the revenue is recorded at the time of the voucher sale.

Refunds: Now applicable to redeemed services.

Redeemed Voucher Value: No change.

New Columns:

Voucher Adjustment: The difference between the list price and the voucher value.

Service Sales (Less Vouchers): Shows all service sales without voucher redemptions.

Net Sales (Less Vouchers): All sales less discounts, refunds, and vouchers.

Sales Per Order (Less Vouchers): Net sales divided by order count, without voucher redemptions.

Self-Booked Sales (Less Vouchers): Net Sales value for appointments that were booked by the client, without voucher redemptions.

Service Sales per Appointment (Less Vouchers): Service sales divided by appointment count, without voucher redemptions.

Payments & Refunds:

Voucher redemptions now show up as a type of payment and therefore a line item.

New Reports:

QuickBooks Integration: Understanding Voucher Reporting

  • When using our QuickBooks integration, here's how vouchers appear in your reports:

    • Sales Report:

      • Services paid for with a voucher will not show a value.

      • This is because the revenue is recorded when the voucher is sold (through a membership, package, etc.).

    • Payment Report:

      • You'll see a separate entry when a voucher is redeemed.

      • This entry will include the value of the redeemed voucher.

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