Confirming your e-mail address

Your agency have asked you to confirm your e-mail

Iwona Jakobczyk avatar
Written by Iwona Jakobczyk
Updated over a week ago

For the first time

If you're new to JoinedUp and have just started working for an agency that uses our system, you should receive an email invite to the address you've provided during the registration. Look out for an email from that looks like the below. The e-mail subject will be "Welcome to JoinedUp provided by your agency name".

Once you click the link, your e-mail will be confirmed and you can set up a password for your profile.

Can't find the email? - The e-mail is sent from so you can search for this in your inbox, please be sure to check your junk/spam folder as well. Or get in touch with JoinedUp support team ( to send you another welcome e-mail. 

If you are still having problems check your inbox settings for blocked e-mails and safe senders (add as a safe sender). 

When something has changed

You might receive a message on your JoinedUp Messages inbox asking you to check that your email is correct. This is because we tried to send you an email and it was stopped for some reason.

If you can't see a misspelling please get in touch with us at because we may have accidentally activated your spam filters.

If you need to update your email address, or you have had a problem with receiving emails (either due to a misspelling or a spam complaint) you will receive an email like this one below to confirm your email address again.

Just follow the button and it will automatically confirm your email address for you and take you to your profile.

If you receive the below message that your email has already been registered, you don't need to worry because your email is already confirmed. You can just login to your account as normal.

It's not working!

If you are having trouble with validating your email address, please just let us know and we'd be happy to help!

You can also check out our other articles for more info:

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