Creating a shift template

How to create a new Shift template (Job card, Booking card)

Iwona Jakobczyk avatar
Written by Iwona Jakobczyk
Updated over a week ago

A "Shift template" or Job card or Booking card, is a combination of job description, worker requirements, and a set of rates and rules that determine which workers can work a particular job and how much they will be paid and how much the end-client will be charged.

To access the templates tab, hover over 'Plan' in the menu at the top and choose 'Shift templates'. Please note, this may be labelled differently depending on your organisation.

This screen shows the various Shift templates that exist for that branch. If you have Admin access then you will be able to see the below options for Create, Disable and Clone. If you don't have Admin access then you will just be able to see the shift templates, and will need to contact someone in your organisation who does have Admin access.

You can change the site you're viewing using the drop down list:

Creating a new template - Standard rates

To create a new Shift template just click on the dedicated button to open up a form to fill in all the necessary details.

If you want to clone a shift template instead, please click this link for more info:

On the first screen you will be asked to name the template. Please always make sure that the name you choose clearly indicates what job it is for so other users can recognise it.

At this point you also choose whether you want to use Standard rates, i.e. hourly rates, or Daily rates. For more info on Daily rate templates, please scroll to the bottom of this article.

Work Details

On the next screen, in the first section called "Work Details" you can insert a description of the job, work type and typical shift length. Please make sure you fill in all the required fields as without that the template will be invalid.

Work type:
This information is needed for the AWR record. A worker can have multiple AWR records depending on the type of work they do, so it's important to use the correct one.

Typical shift length:
This information is used to populate the timesheets with a default number of hours (see: batch edit timesheets).


If you're creating a template for a driving job, you can also select desired skills the driver must have to be eligible for that shift. Depending on your set up the system will match the drivers' profiles with the correct set of skills and will suggest which one to book.

Applicant Requirements

In the next section you will be asked to specify the requirements for applicants. Choose a type of role from the drop down, then click "Add role".

Then choose "Add requirement".

Then just choose the role from the drop-down box, and decide whether it is a required role or a desirable one. Make sure to click 'Save changes' once you've added it.


In the Rates section, you can set up separate rates and rules for each worker type. Worker types are based on their employment status and will be matched with workers' profiles to apply the correct settings.

To start setting up your rates, pick the desired worker type from the drop down and then click 'define rates':

You can then choose if you'd like to (1) create a brand new rate plan, or clone an existing rate plan. If you're creating a rate plan for PAYE workers you'll also be asked to select the AWR status that these rate apply to (2).

You can then fill in your rate information from the top down:

1) Rate rules

These are a collection of rules which make up how your rates are applied. For more info on this, please click this link:

2) Rates

These are your actual rates, with a separate figure for charge and pay as well as for any overtime (OT). If you don't want to pay overtime, you can just keep them the same as your normal charge and pay. This section must be filled in and must be over minimum wage.

3) Rate hours

This infographic shows you how your rates apply to different times on different days. The original screenshot above shows just one flat rate, but the example below shows a Weekday, Weeknight, and Weekend rate. You could then change the Weekday/Weeknight timing from 6am to 7am, for example, which would move the green boxes along one.

4) Holiday rates

This is where you can add any bank holiday or other holiday rates. For more info, click this link:

Advanced Settings

There are a number of advanced settings in the next screen you can choose, including:

  • If workers booked on this template can cancel their shift through the system

  • If the worker gets sent prompts to confirm a shift he's been booked on

  • If workers can enter their hours themselves

  • The start of the week for payroll purposes

Creating a new template - Daily rates

If you choose to set up your shift template with daily rates, most of the information you need is the same but with a few changes.

In the Work Details section, you need to fill in the "Shift duration" section. This allows you to define your daily rates in the 'Rates' section.

Now on the Rates screen, going from the top down, fill in all the details:

Hourly rates:

How much workers will be paid if they are paid on an hourly basis

Daily rates:

How much workers will be paid if they are paid on a daily basis, based on your shift durations chosen in the 'Work Details' stage. When you enter the pay values, it will show the hourly pay rate.


The rules around your breaks. You can choose for these to be manual, where you have to enter the time and length of breaks on each individual shift, or automatic applied to pre-determined shift lengths.

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